The Park is in the central and eastern part of the state. Park Headquarters is ten miles from the Nevada-Utah boundary Highways US 6-50 at Baker. From Las Vegas, take I-15 to US 93, then US 50 to Nevada Highway 487. At Baker, take Nevada Highway 488 to Park entrance. From Salt Lake City, take I-15 to US 50, then Nevada 487 to Baker.
Open year round. Spelunking in Little Muddy Cave and candlelight tours of Lehman Caves are offered in Summer only. The Cafe and Gift Shop are open April through October. Wheeler Peak scenic drive is closed due to snow from October to May. Peak visitor month is August. Climate: January, -20 to 41 degrees F; July, 57 to 86 degrees F.
A remnant icefield on 13,063-foot Wheeler Peak, an ancient bristlecone pine forest, 75-foot limestone Lexington Arch, and the tunnels and decorated galleries of Lehman Caves are the major features.
The Park road up to Wheeler Peak ends at 10,000 feet; from there trails lead to the summit where hikers will find stand of bristlecone pine near the glacier. The bristlecones survive from a Pleistocene forest that covered much of the region, and some of the trees are 3,000 years old! Campgrounds are at Baker Creek, Upper Lehman Creek, Wheeler Peak, and Lower Lehman Creek. Food, supplies, and overnight accommodations are available in Baker and Ely.